Publication Date: April 24, 2024.
Doremi Technology Limited (“we” “us” “our”) is providing this privacy policy to inform you of how we collect and use privacy information through our mobile app (“App” or “Software”) and related services (“Services”). We understand the significance of personal information to you, hence we promise to safeguard your personal information and privacy as a user of our Software. Upon using the Software, we may collect and process your personal information and user information. We hope that through this Privacy Policy, we can clarify how your information is collected and used, thereby safeguarding your rights and interests. However, this Privacy Policy is not applicable to third-party websites, services, or apps, even if they are accessible through our Services. If you use the App, we assume you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you disagree, please cease using the App. We may revise this Privacy Policy over time, and will notify you of any changes in this Privacy Policy and other appropriate locations. Check this Privacy Policy periodically for updates. If you continue using our Software after changes to this Privacy Policy have been made, we presume your acceptance of the updated terms.

User Age Restriction
Our Services are not intended for children under the age of 18 or the statutory minimum age according to the applicable laws and regulations in your country. We do not willingly collect personal data from individuals below the Minimum Age. If we become aware of any such data collection, we will take necessary measures to erase the data. Please contact us through the email address provided below if you believe we might have collected data from a child under the Minimum Age.

Information We Process and Our Objectives
a. Information You Submit

This includes the permission you grant us to access your device’s camera and microphone, storage, and geolocation information, along with the account information you provide us when you register an account (like mobile number, username, gender identity, age, preference, etc.) Further, we collect User ID and display name from your third-party accounts like Facebook or Google, and any content you contribute to our Services.

b. Automatically Processed Information

This includes technical information about your device, payment data, data about the virtual gold coins and points you earn, and facial features information for certain face recognition functions. We also use the AppsFlyer SDK to collect user information for attribution measurement and marketing data analysis.

Use of Your Information
We use your information to operate and improve the Software and the Service, to maintain and monitor the software quality, to settle any disputes regarding the Service, and to comply with legal and government requirements.

Sharing Information with Third Parties
We won’t rent or sell your personal data to third parties, but we may share your information with third-party organizations that offer automatic data processing technologies or provide services for the App. We are not responsible for these third parties’ tracking technologies or how they potential use your data.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may revise this Privacy Policy at any time and will post the most updated version here. If you continue using the App after Privacy Policy changes, we will consider this as your acceptance of the updated policy.

We prioritize the security of your personal information and follow industry standards to safeguard this information, during transmission and afterwards.

Transfer of Data Outside Your Territory
You provide your consent for us and third-party data processing technologies to transfer your processed information across borders, potentially outside of your country or jurisdiction.

Period of Personal Data Usage
We generally keep your personal data as long as required to fulfill our agreement with you or comply with legal obligations. If you wish to erase your personal data, please contact us.

Your Data Rights
You have the right to request access to, modify, correct or delete any of your collected personal data by contacting us at []. If you are in the EEA, you have additional rights regarding your data protection and can lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority if needed.